Yes it pays to surf!

Optimism and humor are the grease and glue of life. Without both of them we would never have survived our captivity.
- Philip Butler, Vietnam POW

Have you been surfing the net trying to make some fast bucks. Are you frustated sitting on your computer day and night, for years together and still waiting for your first check to arrive. This world is full of people who have ruined their family and social lives, wasted their precious time and hard earned money, wrecked their backs, have lost their vision badly and practically become physical and mental cripples, still waiting to earn something from this twenty first century miracle and addiction called INTERNET.Unfortunately stories of all these miseries and disasters still remain hidden and unspoken of, amidst the optimistic promises harped by the net giants to lure people into falling prey to their dirty tactics. Millions and millions of people have lost touch of life and have become internet addicts.The coming generation is also falling prey to this dark and dangerous world of internet.


When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?
- Don Marquis (1878 - 1937)

Here are some honest confessions of experiences of the badly suffered victims for your reference.[ Names erased ]

[1] You need to have to be a very high traffic website to warrant enough ad clicks to make a little amount of money.I could never get my first check even after 4 years.
[2] Deposit all your money in the internet and then die peacefully, not only there is no interest on your money you also have to forget about your sum invested.
[3] Send me only 45$ and i'll tell you how to make money on internet...
[4] Adsense has way to go to be of real benefit for the publishers, you must have lots of content on your site that people want to access. People interested in content rarely click on the ads. Its only you clicking on the ads every time.
[5] Ebay is nothing but a cut throat competition for both sellers and buyers. People sell thousands of products with profit margins as low as $1.00 and they have to incur losses on many products.Making money on ebay is pretty hard, and sometimes it just as tough as going to work 9 to 5 to save a very humble amount.Ebay takes more then that through fees.

[6] You would starve to death before the first cheque arrives.Cant believe people get sucked into this crap.Its definetly a waste of time.

Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls.
Intelligence is not trying.

[7]Yer, I have had it for ages but yes, you would probably starve, its been a couple of years and still not enough for the check yet.
[8]Making money of the internet is no different to making money in the real world. There is just no easy way to make money, otherwise money would be worthless because everyone would have lots!Don't get caught up in any internet hype.
[9] Ebay has never made me money, but it's a good comedy market show! You find whimsical people trying with adventurous ideas.
[10]Despite trying very hard you may make 20$ a year on the net but this is much less than even a labourer with a minimum wage job.
[11]Online Poker has a bad reputation for making money...Only a few sharks win most of others are loosers.

[12] Online survey sites... Surveys are mind boggling, they never seem to end and after consuming your time they tell you you do not qualify for them...Even as you complete a survey they pay you very humbly.

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he isn't. A sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.
- Horace Walpole

[13] Porn, Spam, Phishing, Frauds... the internet is flooded with all these.So much of free stuff now awailable even on porn sites.Nobody if ready to pay even for that.Its so easy to loose money on internet than to make some.
[14] You can earn more money cleaning gutters or begging than surfing for years on the net.
[15] Online investments: Stock brokers charge you a very high fees for online investments.If at all you earn some money you have to pay the brokers and income tax.The net gain is less than fixed deposit accounts in banks.You never know when the stock market will crash down!
You might have seen many investment schemes claiming 100% returns per year, they usually end up on news headlines with some dumb-ass complaing how they lost their entire savings.
[16] Articles and Information on websites for sale : You better walk into a library, you will gey all the information for free.
[17] Affiliate programs: A number of reputed looking websites lure you with commision returns of 30% to 50% per sale.Don't get befooled you will waste your precious time and energy attempting to get a few dollars which will never reach you.Anyone working on internet is almost always well educated and should not agree for less than 100$ per work hour or aproximately 70% commisions which should be paid immediately after sales.It is because these companies are not able to sale their products that they hire you. But the offers for the job are ridiculous, most real traders are ecstatic if they can make 20%, or even 10-15%. This is just another trap. Your sales will never be properly tracked. Your statistic will be always show zero sales and commisions. And to add to your misery they will shut the shop when they have got enough money for themselves.
[18] Lotto and elottery : they will run after you till they register you and charge you. After that you will be visiting their websites everyday hoping for a miracles till you feel frustated,cheated and annoyed. Don't get lured watching the pics of winners. Your pic will never appear there. That is a gaurantee.


The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge,
experience, and ability.
- Henry Ford 1863-1947

There are many many more stories to add.The major bulk of internet as it is has many flaws in it and is certainly not good for a healthy society. We would like to be enlightened from your personal experiences as well. Feel free to add a comment on this page.It will be published without any editing.

Perfection does not exist. To understand this is the triumph of human intelligence; to expect to possess it is the most dangerous kind of madness
--Alfred de Musset

Make no mistake, my friend, it takes more than
money to make men rich.
- A. P. Gouthey

To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labour, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy.
- Bette Davis